Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends! I don’t know about you, but it feels like this week was the longest short ever…I am so glad that it is Friday! Which is funny since I am working tomorrow at all at a pop up but, something about it being the weekend again feels a little refreshing! Why do short weeks always feel like that?

Anyways, it has been a while since I have done a Friday Favorites post but I am excited to jump back in this week with a brand new post so lets get started, shall we?

Yesterday was Camren’s birthday and while he doesn’t love pictures, social media or being featured here a ton on this blog, he amused me with a photo at Fro-yo! We had sushi dinner and Cam is not a big dessert person but his sisters begged him to pick a dessert (everyone gets to choose dinner and dessert on their birthday) after he said he didn’t want any. 😂

He turned 20 yesterday and I just cannot believe that he is and that I have been a mom for two decades. I am so proud of the man that he is and who he is becoming everyday and I am so thankful to be his Mom. And while he isn’t on here much (I only post with permission) I love that he is still living at home and very much a part of our everyday even at 20!

Pop Up season is coming to a close for the summer (because of heat and rain) but tomorrow, I will be on Siesta Key from 9 AM - 5 PM (weather dependent) and I am excited for another fun day on the island! If you are local and in the area, I would love for you to come shop with us!

Speaking of the boutique, today we made our first donation to Solve House in honor of my Mammaw thanks to you shopping for a cause at Shop Rooted and Free! Our Tough Like A Mother collection was such a hit and I am so excited because we launched a new collection for June and it is just as cute!

This month, we are going to support an organization that helps women start businesses with our Chasing Sunsets, Chasing Dreams collection!

Another favorite of the week?

This short and simple yet powerful reminder of a quote!

A big favorite of mine this week…working on relaunching Gathered and all the exciting things to come with this new business!!! Be sure to follow along on Instagram for more updates and to keep up with all the fun!

We are still over here living in boat land and are excited to head back out this weekend if the weather holds up! The boat has been a favorite and all week long we have all been talking about being back out on the water! We can’t wait!

We are off to the book store and to run some errands, I hope you all have a great weekend, see you back here next week!


Current Skincare


Chasing Sunsets, Chasing Dreams