5 Oily Wellness Tips

Hey friends, happy Monday!

We had a busy weekend this past weekend and gosh, I am feeling it hard core today…I could lay down and take a nap at any minute, ha! Anyways, I am pushing on through the fatigue and counting down the minutes until I can shower and head to bed but until then, we are powering through and knocking out our to do list.

One thing I have been doing today is trying to avoid drinking all the coffee and instead, use my oils to help me power through and I thought I would share my top 5 oily wellness tips, many of which I am using today.

Let’s dive in and get started….

First and foremost…

  1. Thieves, over and over again. I don’t know about you guys but there are many seasons throughout the year that my immune system tanks. This time of year is always so busy for us personally and professionally and when I am not getting enough sleep and eating on the go, that my immune system tanks so Thieves to the rescue every time. I diffuse Thieves (it is so great with lemon oil diffused) but also roll it on our spines to boost our healthy habits and try to steer clear of getting sick.

Which brings me to…

2. Stress Away Oil, one of my fav oils. Especially when I am busy my anxiety goes up and not only do I sleep worse but I mentally don’t feel as clear. Stress Away helps to keep my emotions in check and my anxiety down, it literally does what it says it will do right there on the bottle. And, it smells heavenly.

3. Take care of your skin with cleaner products. I love my Tula skincare (it is a clean skincare at Sephora) but I also love using oils to compliment this skincare especially when I have breakouts. Using coconut oil instead of makeup wipes, using oils on blemishes…all part of wellness of your full self without all the harmful chemicals so many self care brands are filled with.

4. Okay, this might sound silly as a tip since the others are a little more straight forward practical but this is probably the most important of them all and that is educate yourself. This includes researching and having tools/resources handy so you can make better decisions in treating day to day things but also, educate yourself in how you are feeling. You have to know your body to be able to support it and I find that when I try to mask my symptoms with medication like I was trained to do it covers up the issues and I can’t actually get to the root. Education is so powerful on so many levels so if I had only one tip, this would for sure be it.

Last but not least…

5. Use your oils. Seems simple but friends, if you don’t use them when you have them, they will never help and support you. You have to use them for them to work and you have to use them consistently. Don’t wait until you are sick to use them, find rhythms and habits to get started and stick with them. Then, when you aren’t feeling great they will work even better.

All of this is made better by getting the right amount of sleep, drinking plenty of water, moving your body, etc. Health is wealth my friends and I hope that in 2024 you are joining me on focusing on wellness on the inside and outside.


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